

Google+ (Plus) is one social network launch by project google at 28 June 2011. Big war between scial network google+ and facebook will start now. And whois the winner? It one way google work out for take over big popular Facebook. At before, google has launch Google Wave and Google Buzz but get less respone from people.
According to An institute survey in the United States, Ancestry.com, reported that there were as many as 4.5 million users who use the service google plus. “Nearly 5 million,” said Paul Allen, founder of ancestry.com, in PCMag.

Google+ (Plus) Feature
1. Circles. This function can be used to insert the names of friends into groups and users can share content with different formats in this circle of friends.
2. Hangouts. This is a conferencing service is more than two people with a video call.
3. Huddle. This service provides the groups in this network to send instant messages.
4. Sparks. This feature connects the individuals in this network to people who have the same interests towards something.

Google+ (Plus) at now still beta and for register need to invite from people or friend has been join. It’s because very hight interest person. For registration google+ you must have google account.
Google+ (Plus) can access from https://plus.google.com/